Tom, on the other hand, has been much more productive and finally finished his Venice Biennale Wall Chart. So I thought I would give him the opportunity to advertise it, while simultaneously making my blog look better. We both win. So here it is, I'm not going to pretend I know anything about football, or art for that matter, but for those of you who do this is the perfect evaluation tool for your visit to the Biennale. You can download it here.
So I have finally got to a day when I have nothing new to say. It was time to look back over my time here and how much I've seen and done. Going around I have taken so many photos, written loads of notes, not all of which have made it into a blog. So today provides the perfect opportunity to show some of the things that have escaped.
I'll start with a lovely picture of Austria I took through the train window on my way here.
Some religious iconography...there are loads of shrines in the walls.
A new building. I've only seen three here. It's not very nice.
The famous Spritz. (This one is taken in a more sought after setting than where I normally consume them, reflected in the price).

Walkways out ready for aqua alta.
It's a bit of a blurred picture but everyone on this gondola, including the gondolier are on their phones.
More cat themed and other graffiti...
Another Cardiff reference.

Bread Sculpture.
An unfortunate lion, with a picture of his former self.
Nice veg boat on Via Garibaldi.
Padlocks attached to bridges by lovers. Some are pretty impressive, engraved versions, others are marker pen quick fixes. I've even seen a bike Dlock one.
The Arsenale sun dial.
There is a political divide opening up in Italy at the moment. Red represents the North (including Venice) and green the South. Venetians are so passionate about it that they are phasing out green merchandise. No more green masks, fans or snow globes for us!
And finally... Art fatigue. A common ailment here.
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